Why Linux is important in DevOps? And what are the essential commands in Linux?
Linux is important in DevOps because it is a powerful and flexible operating system that provides a wide range of tools and utilities that are useful for building and managing software applications. DevOps teams use Linux for tasks such as managing servers, configuring network settings, deploying and monitoring applications, and automating tasks through scripting.
Some important Linux commands that are frequently used in DevOps include:
ls - List files and directories in a directory. Syntax: ls [options] [directory]
cd - Change the current working directory. Syntax: cd [directory]
pwd - Print the current working directory. Syntax: pwd
mkdir - Create a new directory. Syntax: mkdir [options] directory
rmdir - Remove an empty directory. Syntax: rmdir [options] directory
rm - Remove a file or directory. Syntax: rm [options] file/directory
cp - Copy files or directories from one location to another. Syntax: cp [options] source_file destination_file
mv - Move or rename files or directories. Syntax: mv [options] source_file destination_file
cat - Display the contents of a file. Syntax: cat [options] file
less - Display the contents of a file one page at a time. Syntax: less [options] file
head - Display the first few lines of a file. Syntax: head [options] file
tail - Display the last few lines of a file. Syntax: tail [options] file
grep - Search for a pattern in a file or output. Syntax: grep [options] pattern file
find - Search for files or directories. Syntax: find [path] [expression]
tar - Archive files and directories into a tarball. Syntax: tar [options] archive_name file(s)_to_archive
gzip - Compress files. Syntax: gzip [options] file
gunzip - Uncompress files. Syntax: gunzip [options] file.gz
ps - Display information about running processes. Syntax: ps [options]
top - Display system resource usage and process information. Syntax: top
ssh - Connect to a remote system using SSH. Syntax: ssh [user@]hostname
These are just a few examples of the many useful Linux commands that are commonly used in DevOps. Becoming proficient in Linux command line tools and utilities is an essential skill for any DevOps engineer or developer working in a Linux environment.